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First Telecom, Now Banks. NDRC Getting Busy.
Aggregated Source: China Hearsay

From law firm McDermott, Will & Emery:

Banks in China have long been criticised for charging irregular and exploitatively high fees. According to recent reports, China’s National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) will soon conduct a widespread inspection into China’s banking industry. The inspection is expected to be conducted by 10,000 inspectors from NDRC offices across the country and will cover 3,000 types of banking fees, including fees for companies, businesses and individuals. Banks could face millions or even billions in fines.

You may recall that the NDRC went after telecom companies last year over broadband fees. Its authority comes from the 2008 Anti-monopoly Law, which on the one hand carves out an exception for State-owned Enterprises for certain kinds of monopolistic behavior but also makes it clear that government has a responsibility to regulate pricing/service when the state is responsible for granting monopolies or otherwise reducing competition.

Some of you might be rolling your eyes and getting your cynicism on. I don’t blame you, given the track record of past “campaigns” against illegal pricing activities. But the NDRC’s actions against the telecom SOEs can’t be ignored (they’ve already agreed to lower fees and greater bandwidth), and the fact that they’ve already got a 10,000-man inspection force to use on the banks sounds serious. (I wonder, though, why in this day and age one needs to physically send a person to a service company to determine fee structures. Are these folks going in undercover? Is the NDRC worried that the banks would respond to official queries with obfuscation and lies? Hmm.)

It also sounds as though the NDRC is going to be quite busy this year on other projects, in addition to the banks:

At the National Price Supervision, Inspection and Anti-Monopoly Meeting on 23 and 24 December 2011, the deputy chief of China’s National Development and Reform Commission(NDRC) indicated that in 2012 NDRC will proceed with further enforcement of the Anti-Monopoly Law (AML), and investigate and inspect fees charged by banks, prices of coal for generating electricity and educational expenses.

All of these areas are significant in terms of the economy, but keep the politics of this in mind as well. With inflation, corruption, land and environmental problems to deal with, tackling a few prominent price issues will give the government some much-needed gold stars with the public. And that’s a pretty good list, all things considered.

I will be keeping an eye out in particular for any moves in the education sector. Price inflation in this area has been absolutely phenomenal across the board, from preschool all the way to postgraduate education. You literally have parents, particularly in the big cities where competition has gotten way out of control, who are unable to afford to send their child to a “free” public school. In addition to standard fee issues (i.e. tuition), there are a huge number of special fees on everything from school uniforms to supplies to class excursions.

If indeed NDRC can get anywhere with the banks, and then attempt to tackle educational institutions, these guys might quickly become the most beloved governmental body in the country.

© Stan for China Hearsay, 2012. | Permalink | One comment | Add to
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